LF003 Size Doesn't Matter
Featuring Jade vs Alicia
Our third Video features fan favourite Alicia vs Jade. Ladyfist Members were aware that this match up was supposed have happened in March 04 but circumstances caused us to stop filming very early in the video. After things cooled down, both women agreed to come back and be more professional about it. We have the epic battle between size and skills with these two women. Both have a bone to pic and neither will admit defeat. A savage domination match for most of the video with lots of breast and nipple torture, belly pounding and root yanking hair pulls. It comes with a surprise ending with a twist and a half.
5'9" tall Jade has it in for the little 4'7" 100 lbs Alicia for apparently messing with her girl. Suprised that Alicia would even have the guts to show up at Jade's house for an unannounced visit, the confrontation isn't too far away when Jade grills Alicia for details, and then start to drill her abs with huge fists. Jade is out for blood and she's pissed!
Out sized and outweighed, Alicia can barely hold her own as the angry Jade brutalises the smaller and seemingly helpless Alicia. Not simply happy with pounding her belly raw, Jade is after Alicia's tender breasts and nipples. Pinning her victim's arms back, Jade assaults her with full fury. |
Like a dangerous cat playing with a wounded mouse, Jade has her way with Alicia by vicious breast maulings, nipple torture, hair pulling and what ever else she can do to inflict pain on her hated foe. Alicia tries to get out of her predicament but what do you do when so desperately outsized!?
Alicia is very tough and can endure a lot of a pain and hangs in there as long as she can as she knows the larger woman will tire soon and she will be able to turn the tables on her. At least that's her hopes as she's being stretched, bent, mishandled and brutalised by her enraged attacker.
Fighting back, Alicia mounts her offense against Jade with desperate hair pulls and slaps and bites. She hasn't forgotten the terrible bites to the nipples she suffered earlier so she tries to get in as much damage as she can.
Once again caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place, Alicia is laid out in a vulnerable position where she suffers terrible mauling to her breast and nipples until they are rendered raw. Most women would be at the end of their rope at this point but petite Alicia is determined to hang on until the bitter end.
This is where the match gets bizzar. Without giving it away too much, Jade over steps her bounds for what the stipulations were for this encounter and accidently punches Alicia in the crotch which literaly drops the poor bruised and scratched up girl.
Alicia loves a fair fight and she especialy loves a dirty fight. So when Jade accidently punched her below the belt, Alicia snapped and beat the living hell out of her larger opponent with rapid punches to the head and suffocates her with the pillows. When the cameraman stupidly orders the fight to end then and now because of the injuries suffered to Jade, Alicia snaps again!
Furious that she was put in such harm's way and was made to suffer for nothing, and after beating her opponent senseless, Alicia takes out the rest of her frustrations out on the hapless camera man with several punches and solid foot stomps before storming out of the apt.
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