LF052 - Truce and Consequences - Aiden vs Velvet (Custom Video)
50 Minutes of Chloroforming Knock Outs, Belly Punching.
Aiden and Velvet are back again, but this time the war extends a little too far as their hatred for one another brings out the bad side of each lady. Sick and tired of how Aiden thinks she's the queen bee around here, Velvet confronts her nemesisand starts trash talking her, ridiculing Aiden. Not one to step down from a challenge, Aiden steps up and attacks Velvet, dropping her to the floor with a solid punch to the belly followed up with a knee to the abs. While Velvet is down and suffering, Aiden trash talks Velvet, ridiculing her and tosses in a kick and a stomp to emphasize her point at how weak and useless she thinks Velvet is. Climbing on Velvet and pinning her arms down, Aiden delivers devastating blows to her opponent's belly until she can't take it anymore and passes out from the pain. Happy with her handy work, Aiden comes back with her favourite tool of the trade, the Chloroformed Rag! As Velvet awakens, still dazed and hurt from Aiden's assault on her, she doesn't realize Aiden is behind her, ready with rag in hand and puts Velvet out with the cloth. Down goes poor Velvet. Aiden has her fun humiliating her unconscious and defenseless victim, playing with her arms like a rag doll to demonstrate how out of it her helpless victim really is. To Aiden, this is pure joy.
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When Velvet awakens, she's dazed and confused and hurt. As soon as Aiden comes after her, Velvet is pleading to Aiden not to do it again and she's asking for a truce, not to fight anymore. She even extends a hand in friendship. Could this be something new for Velvet? Has she met her match? Has she been finally beaten down? Hell no! Aiden might be vicious and tough but she's not as crafty and devious as Velvet because Aiden falls for the trap Velvet has set up and attacks Aiden when she least expects it. Adding insult to injury, Velvet rams Aiden's head into the wall to stun her like she's never been hit before. Wavering on unsteady legs, Aiden can only manage a few steps before she collapses to the floor. Poor Aiden, she's going to find out why Velvet Hammer has the reputation she has around here. A little head banging against the floor, just to ram home the lesson helps too. And while Aiden is out like a light, Velvet can't help herself but to make fun of her opponent, belittling her and humiliating her in the process.

When Velvet comes back to Aiden after her fun, she introduces Aiden to the Chloroform Rag, turning Aiden into an instant rag doll. Every time Aiden wakes up from the previous attack, Velvet rams the rag under Aiden's nose and knocks her out again, causing the once dangerous Aiden to fall back against Velvet's lap. Over and over, poor Aiden is awakened and knocked out, then humiliated and rag dolled over and over.. Poor Aiden, no wonder she's never been the same since.

Every once in a while Aiden gains enough energy and attempts an escape but to no avail as Velvet easily overpowers her and knocks her out over and over, again! Poor Aiden is desperate to get away from the rag as she knows there could be cumulative effects with too much exposure to Chloroform. After so many knockouts, even Velvet has to show some compassion, even to someone like Aiden. So to wake Aiden, Velvet sprinkles water in her face, then offers the glass of water to the confused and dazed Aiden. Only after Aiden takes a sip from the glass does she discover it was actually laced with, you guessed it, Chloroform! And boom, down goes Aiden again. Velvet takes this opportunity to taunt, harass and humiliate her opponent, truly enjoying herself. Unfortunately, she let it go too long and doesn't realize Aiden woke somewhere in the middle of her trash talking and manages to dig deep for energy and turns the tables on her nasty nemesis! Velvet now finds herself under Aiden and you know what's coming up next, someone's gonna get an ass kicking!

With deep punches to the abs, kicks to the belly and crushing scissors to Velvet's already punished belly, Aiden does her best to destroy her hated foe but unfortunately, she's weakened by so many Chloroformed Knockouts that Velvet manages to get the advantage again and proceeds to put dents into the wall once again with Aiden's skull. Down goes Aiden, belly punched and then caught between Velvet's powerful vice like thighs, her abs and ribs crushed. Try as she may, Aiden can't escape Velvet's grip and slowly weakens to the point where Velvet drags her up by the hair and grips her with a punishing bear hug, squeezing the rest of what ever fight Aiden had left in her..

To make Aiden's life even MORE miserable, Velvet squeezes the life out of Aiden resolve with a figure four neck scissors and then gets her with more Chloroform when Aiden wakes up from that last hold. Poor Aiden, as if she hadn't suffered more than what is called for, she wakes up to find herself hog tied and completely helpless as Velvet comes to her with a scarf and cleave gags again to stifle her screams. Unable to escape or defend herself, Aiden suffers the ultimate humiliation and the consequences of her actions as Velvet Chloroforms her hapless victim for the last time.
Poor Aiden, she hasn't been the same since. Perhaps that's why she snapped at the end of the production shoot and did something to Velvet that we were lucky enough to catch on film and added it as a bonus to the end of the Custom Video.
For all the fans who love a good trash talking Chloroform match, this one will certainly be one of your favourites. I know it's one of my favourites!