LF066 Out Under My Foot featuring Aiden vs Absynthe (Custom Video)
52 Minutes of brutal one side beat down, with crotch attacks, belly punishment and knockouts.
Aiden is as patient as anyone else but she can't tolerate her new roommate who constantly irritates her. When they start arguing about who owes what for rent, Absynthe boasts she's going to get her boyfriend to come over and kick Aiden out of the house and be done with her, once and for all. This is about all Aiden can take from the upstart little bitch as she attacks her petite antagonist to teach her a lesson once and for all. A lesson she'll soon not forget!
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Grabbing Absynthe by the hair and tossing her down to the floor where she pins her down and rubs the PB&J sandwich in her face, trying to choke her with it, Aiden is all out to make her mark on Absynthe. With repeated swift kicks and knees to the crotch, the pace is set for what awaits poor Absynthe. Even when Absynthe tries to walk out of the confrontation, she's not fully realizing what she started as Aiden yanks her back by the hair as she's not even started with the brutal punishment she's got planned for Absynthe.

Call it brave or call it fool hearty, Absynthe actually makes an attempt to retaliate which Aiden barely has to fend off as she delivers yet another cruel knee to Absynthe's crotch, dropping the weakened girl to the floor once again. Barely able to get up, Absynthe is subjected to more kicks to the crotch and abs as Aiden toys with her victim. Finally, rolling Absynthe onto her back, Aiden cruelly delivers crunching knees between her helpless victims thighs. But even a good solid round of belly punching won't make the hurt Absynthe admit she's beaten as she defiantly continues to trash talk Aiden. Unfortunately, this only angers Aiden who is more than happy to pound on Absynthe's already battered belly and deliver more kicks and knees to her bruised crotch. As defiant as she is, even poor little Absynthe can't endure much more of Aiden's brutal onslaught as she's eventually beaten into unconsciousness. Always the nasty Maniacal Diva, Aiden still delivers stomps, blows, knees and kicks to the prone and lifeless Absynthe as she lays there, utterly helpless.

Not happy having simply beaten down her victim, Aiden still needs to prove her point as she wakens Absynthe only to pin and trap her so that she can brutalize her even more. Using double arm chokes and even Absynthe's own her to choke her, Aiden casually enjoys herself as she weakens down her foe. Over and over again, Absynthe is brought to near unconscious but is allowed to gasp for air before starting the whole process over again until finally she's put down hard for good. And once again, Aiden doesn't hold back as she knees and grinds her foot into the poor unconscious girl's crotch, just to add insult to injury.
After a while, Absynthe wakes up and finds her cell phone. She's not messing around anymore. She's going to call her boyfriend up now to come over and deal with Aiden once and for all. Unfortunately, she doesn't notice Aiden sneaking up behind her with rag in hand. This time Aiden is not in the good mood she was earlier as she's intent on knocking out Absynthe's with the rag. Reloading the rag, Aiden wakes up Absynthe and goes back to knocking out her petite victim over and over again. Aiden is all business and ain't fooling around with Absynthe this time around. This is what earned Aiden her "Maniacal Diva" nick name around here. Poor Absynthe is repeatedly put down and out over and over again as Aiden viciously toys with her whimpering and defenseless victim. When Aiden tires of this game, she puts Absynthe out for good and leaves but not without a solid stomp to the poor girl's cruelly exposed belly.

Much later, when Absynthe has had the chance to recover from Aiden's beating and knockouts, she's set up a trap to seek revenge on Aiden. Using the same stuff Aiden had loaded up the rag with, Absynthe has loaded up some flowers with the powerful fluids. When Aiden takes a sniff of the flowers she's quickly overcome by fumes and down goes Aiden like a bag of rocks. Perfect for Absynthe's plans! She quickly moves in to cleave gag and tie up Aiden so she can repay the favours inflicted upon her by Aiden. With a few good stomps to the belly to wake Aiden up, Absynthe drops her sharp little fists deep into Aiden's abs and grinds them in, enjoying herself in the position of dominance over her hated foe. Clawing and punching Aiden's belly, Absynthe is truly relishing the situation as she repeatedly stomps her victim. But her biggest enjoyment comes when she gets to return the insult of kicking Aiden in the crotch to weaken the Maniacal Diva even more. Taking her bindings off, Absynthe sets Aiden up for the ultimate humiliation by putting her out repeatedly with the soaked rag. When Aiden doesn't wake up fast enough, Absynthe stomps her belly and puts Aiden out once again.

Aiden awakens, hurt and infuriated, she can hear Absynthe upstairs bragging on the phone about how she kicked Aiden's ass. She runs up the stairs and the revenge attack is on as she hurls Absynthe down the stairs onto the floor and starts to brutalize her petite victim like we've never seen Aiden loose the bubble before. Absynthe is soon going to see a side of Aiden few ever see and live to tell about. Quickly disposing Absynthe with the rag, Aiden ties up her unconscious victim with the same ropes used on her. And if Absynthe thought the first round of beatings was bad enough, she ain't seen nothing yet! Aiden is most dangerous when she's been insulted and humiliated as she will return the same ten-fold onto whom ever was foolish enough to inflict it on her in the first place. Pounded hard into the belly and viciously kneed to the crotch while her hands are tied behind her back, Absynthe is brutally and cruelly beaten to within an inch of her life. It's all about pain and Aiden viciously administers what she can to poor defenseless Absynthe with stomps, kicks and punches to the belly, not to mention the cruelest of kicks and knees to the crotch.

Once again the rag is pulled out knock out Absynthe. Almost unconscious, she's subjected to brutal belly punches and stomps at the same time as taking horrific stomps and heel grinds to the crotch. The poor girl barely knows if she's coming or going the way Aiden pummels on to her. Her feebly pleas to Aiden fall on deaf ears and she's brutally stomped on and beaten. back and forth, stomps to the belly, kicks to the crotch, poor Absynthe is made to suffer like never seen before. But all comes to an end soon enough as the rags once again puts out Absynthe. But it's not quite over, oh no, not quite yet as Aiden has more devilish plans for her hated foe. Tying her feet together and cleave gagging her, Aiden lines the prone and unconscious Absynthe for another cruel and horrible round of belly stomping and crotch destruction. Unable to defend herself, poor Absynthe has to endure the torturous punishment as Aiden enjoys herself. But Aiden's not all evil, she does have a tender side but with ulterior motives. She grabs the rag once again and repeatedly knocks out poor Absynthe over and over again, each time she applies the rag to Absynthe's face it takes less and less time to knock her out with the cumulative effects taking over. But Aiden doesn't leave the rag on for long as she wants Absynthe to also enjoy the repetitive knockouts as well. If only the torture would end.. please! But no, Aiden just loves being in control over her completely helpless victim.

Finally, Aiden puts Absynthe out for good but the nightmare isn't over yet! As poor Absynthe lays there, unconscious, bound and utterly defenseless, Aiden proceeds to viciously stomp Absynthe's cruelly exposed belly and crotch. Poor Absynthe's limp and unconscious body doesn't even flinch or bounce from the brutal pounding she takes as Aiden puts the finishing touches to her lesson plan. When Aiden tires of her workout on Absynthe, she leaves the brutalized and unconscious girl laying on the floor. Eventually when time passes, Absynthe, barely able to move from the pain, wakes and manages to undo her bindings but unfortunately, Aiden hears the stirrings and comes back down to discover Absynthe making a break for it and totally looses her cool as she once again proceeds to viciously stomp and kick on poor Absynthe's already bruised and battered belly and crotch. Already weakened, Absynthe is barely able to make any defensive gestures as she's punished and beaten once again until finally Aiden applies an HOM to mercifully render the girl unconscious for good now. But still stomping on the prone and limp body of the unconscious Absynthe, Aiden makes sure that everyone will know not to mess with her, otherwise, THEY will get just what Absynthe just receive. And they don't call her the Maniacal Diva for nothing.. Now you know why.

LF066 will definitely appeal to the one sided beat down fans. Lots of belly punches, stomps and kicks, with as many knees, heels and kicks to the victim's crotch, all while she's awake and/or completely unconscious It's a total and humiliating beat down for Absynthe.
Customer's Comments on his video: Received the video today. I was blown away by the
performances of Aiden and Absynthe. You raised the bar with
this custom. Incredible, amazing, perfect, and just
what I had envisioned and much much more. You followed
the script and covered all bases. I can not begin to
tell you and the girls how pleased I am with this
custom. You deserve high praise and I hope this video
becomes the most popular seller, because you deserve
it. Kudos to the girls for making this one Special Video. Aiden was great talking trash to Absynthe and
pounding away on Absynthe, and Absynthe was great on the receiving
end. Absynthe did a great job when the tables were turned
and she was on the offensive. Aiden can and did play a
great victim as well. Both girls are amazing, and get
into their roles with perfection. I could go on and on
but hell, I'd rather watch more of the video. Thanks
so much for your hard work in getting this done in a
timely manner. Tremendous job.