LF070 - PlayTime featuring Aiden and Bobbie vs Absynthe
42 Minutes of very brutal and vicious 2 on 1 beat down action and humiliation.
After Aiden & Bobbie, our Dangerous Duo, took Jenna apart in LF061, they quite enjoyed it and now want to show off their vicious skills with another victim. Picking on a victim smaller than they are, you know this is going to be an even more brutal beat down than ever before. And just because Absynthe is smaller than they, didn't spare her any punishment or humiliation, it just made it worse.
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Lounging around the house one day, bored out of their minds, Aiden and Bobbie decided they should practice their fighting skills, but with a dummy, so they call over Absynthe who had been put to doing chores by the Dangerous Duo. You have to appreciate the vicious attitudes of these two girls as they sucker punch their petite victim down to the floor and proceed to tear her apart methodically, bit by bit, limb by limb to within an inch of her life. And to rub salt in her wounds, the humiliation is heaped on thick throughout the whole ordeal.

It's bad enough to be caught up in a painful figure four leg lock but when you have someone pounding on you at the same time, clawing your belly, stomping on you and trying to smother you, that's just not fair. But to make it worse, the Dangerous Duo take turns at applying this torturous hold. Poor Absynthe has no chance of escape from this joint breaking hold. Aiden and Bobbie are enjoying themselves as they brutalize their victim. Nothing is spared on Absynthe as they pin her down, muffle her screams as they pummel her body, abs, breasts and an occasional cheap shot to top it all off. But this is JUST the beginning!
They each take turns at stretching out poor helpless and gasping Absynthe, her belly cruelly exposed to fists and feet, her back bent to near impossible angles, she tries to tap out but the gals simply don't even pay attention to the rules, tap all ya want, we just want to hurt you.. Aiden and Bobbie take turns applying a horrific Boston Crab on their victim, bending her at near impossible angles again as the other hammers her over stretched and tight belly with head butts or double fists axe handles. Being Camel Clutched is hard enough on the body and especially so when someone is pulling up on your legs at the same time. Absynthe is struggling to stay alive in this brutal encounter. But the worse is still yet to come.

Barely conscious from this beating, Absynthe is picked up and swung out onto the sofa where her attackers bend her spine and smother her before the real brutality starts. Dumped half conscious onto the floor, Absynthe is picked up and hung like a rag doll from Bobbies shoulders where her cruelly exposed belly is brutalized and tortured with kicks, claws and punches. Hanging there limp as a wet rag, she's used as a door mat as Aiden wipes her dirty bare feet across poor Absynthe's battered belly. What one girl does, the other has to try it too, so they trade places and now the half-conscious Absynthe finds herself upside down from Aiden's shoulders as Bobbie takes her shots on the limp rag doll Kicks and double axe handle smash into the moaning girl's stretched belly. Still not satisfied with their dirty work, they stretch her out even more, and try to smother her with a forward and reverse standing head scissors while still draped upside down. Poor Absynthe doesn't know if she's coming or going at this point, numb with pain, tortured and battered.

The mismatched encounter takes on a more sinister mood as Absynthe is horribly crushed between her two antagonists' scissors and is Hand Over Mouth smothered, with two pairs of hands. Aiden and Bobbie are just loving it. Beat the hell of the smaller girl, humiliate her, beat her down some more, humiliate her some more. Does it get any better than this? Unfortunately for Absynthe, it does.
After knocking out Absynthe, the two girls get very nasty. Pulling out a fur russian hat from the side, they put in it on the still unconscious Absynthe's head and parade her around. Just wanting to be ignorant bitches towards their petite victim, they torment her as if she was a russian bride coming over to be a sleaze. If you thought their actions were cruel, they words cut as deep. But though Absynthe is non-responsive to what is happening to her, she's rag dolled and tortured, battered and bent to the Dangerous Duo's satisfaction.
As a last measure of cruelty, they make the bare conscious Absynthe sit on a log for her last round of humiliation, calling her names and threatening her with violence should she get off the log.
Mercifully, Absynthe's body and brain shut down and she passes out cold onto the floor, much to Aiden and Bobbie's disgust. They drag her out to the middle of the floor and starfish the unconscious girl and leave her there, twitching.. out cold.
LF070 will amaze you at how much brutal punishment a girl can take and barely make it out alive. For all you one sided, 2 on 1 brutal beat down fight fans, this is going to one of those videos that will blow your mind away.